Facing difficulty in acquiring new customers? Having a hard time in improving profits? Trouble increasing efficiency of your sales team? If yes, it is a strong indication of a slow sales process. There might be a number of issues in the way you are running your sales process.
Manual Quoting – Time Consuming
Many companies do not have the right technology to manage their sales process. They are missing the key tools that make the sales process faster. It is often observed that manual methods of quoting are the main culprits in closing more sales faster.
Manual quoting is a time-taking, error-prone job. It involves use of Excel sheets that make it difficult to quote complex product. Even quoting simple products will require a lot of manual work. Slow quoting automatically translates into an inefficient sales process.
If you want to build trust at every stage in a prospect’s journey, it is important that you introduce automation into your sales quoting process. Making your customers wait for getting a quote is no longer an option. This will actually drive customers away.
Automation – Way to Accelerate Quoting
The approach to kicking up your sales performance and ensure customer satisfaction lies up in using an Online CPQ software. Today, customers demand a customized quote containing a product configuration.
This CPQ tool will simplify the process of such complex quotations. Within minutes, you can generate a complex quote and send it to customers. Moreover, being a cloud-based quoting tool, you can use any device that is connected to the Internet for quote creation.
Carry your Internet-enabled laptop and create quotes from anywhere. No longer relying on desktop PCs for managing quotes.
Using an automation platform is the key to handle your Sales quoting. If you want to achieve your sales goals quicker, it is time to use an appropriate software tool, more specifically a quoting software.
Mobile Apps – Quoting on the Go
Another benefit of using cloud-based software is that they come with mobile apps. The Best mobile sales software apps will allow you to manage your quoting process on the go. More and more businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on mobile apps to handle quotes.
From improving sales performance to closing deals faster, you get plenty of advantages from using mobile apps. Whether you are at customer site or in the middle of the road, you can take your quoting process wherever you are.
This unique combination of flexibility and functionality can make your quoting a breeze. Access your contacts and product catalog from smartphones and tablets and create complex quotes on the run.
Overall, you need to have the necessary tool to run your sales process. Automation is the need of the hour, hence say good bye to manual quoting and use an appropriate sales quoting solution to accelerate your sales.
Remember, the quicker you respond and submit RFQ, higher is the possibility of sealing the deal. A sales quoting software gives you the opportunity to generate quotes instantly, which helps you to achieve a faster sales process.