Want to stand out from the competition? Make sure your online catalogs are engaging that captivate the audience.
Today, having just an online catalog is not enough to increase sales. It is important that your online catalog has some interactive elements, which will make it engaging, attract consumers and boost sales.
Following are the interactive elements that you need to include in your online catalog:

If you want to send out messages to your consumers in the most effective manner, make sure to include videos in your catalog.
Your Aggregated catalog might be providing in depth product information but having product videos can be engaging. So make sure you add product videos into your catalog and captivate your consumers.
Providing innovative and informative content via video is a visual experience. Experts are of the firm opinion that adding videos to your catalog provides a great shopping experience.
An in depth study by Forrester (American Market Research Company) has shown that web pages with video content have 53 times more chances of getting higher rankings. This clearly proves the importance of adding video content.
Videos can compel online consumers to stay on your web pages for a longer duration.
Sites like YouTube and Vimeo can help you to create your own videos. Many entrepreneurs hire professionals to create their own videos.
Gone are the days of just publishing textual content in the catalog. Also, marketing can be best done through video content. So if you are serious about improving business prospects, ensure that your catalog has videos in it.

Audio content is another option to make your catalog more interactive and engaging. It can also be a hugely contributing factor in influencing marketing.
Adding video is particularly necessary when you are selling music online. Want to sell an audio version of a book? Wish to sell a podcast? Want to publish an interview in audio format? Want to allow your visitors to listen to sermons or seminars? In such circumstances, it is important to add audio files in the catalog.
You can add audio to your online catalog via mp3 files. On the whole, if you are looking for a creative way to outsmart your competitors, it is essential to attract the audience by adding audio to the catalog.

Want to make your product presentation more appealing? Want to piqued the interest of your online consumers?
If the answer to the aforementioned questions is 'Yes', time to incorporate slideshows into your catalog.
Slideshows provide another option to attract the audience's attention. In a slideshow, images are presented in a series, one after another. Displaying multiple images (along with information) in a series is engaging.
Slideshows give you the opportunity to present your catalog content in a very attractive manner. With a single click, consumers can move from one slide to another.
Slideshows are an excellent low-cost alternative to video content.
Make your product catalog campaigns more effective by adding stunning product slideshows. Another advantage of using slideshows is that they reduce site clutter and moreover connect with the audience.
So when creating a catalog using IT product catalog management software, make sure there is provision to add slideshows. All in all, creating slideshows is a good idea to increase customer engagement.

HTML Interactive Popups
Make your website interaction more dynamic by displaying HTML interactive popups. An interactive popup can definitely help to engage consumers.
While browsing the catalog, you can display interactive pop ups to collect your visitor's emails. Showing a subscription popup form or contact popup form is another option to capture visitor information, which can help to promote your business and increase sales.
On the whole, creating an interactive catalog provides a better way to display products online. It enriches catalog content and moreover enhances shopping experience.
A simple online catalog fails to capture the audience's attention while an interactive catalog can literally entertain customers and increase onsite time. So if you want to increase conversion rate, it is imperative to create interactive catalogs for your site. You can take the help of Ecommerce catalog management service to create interactive catalogs.
In order to maximize the reach of your ecommerce catalog, make sure to publish it on different sales channels.

Ecommerce portals like Amazon, eBay, etc., are extremely popular and get millions of customers everyday. So publish your catalog on these sites and take your business to the next level.